Wednesday, 29 May 2013


Mjelwell (2008)
Ø  How many families are dependent on benefits?

·         According to the Guardian (2013) they stated that there are 20.3 million of families that are dependent on receiving benefits in the UK.

Ø  What are the reasons for this?

·         Unemployment

·         Sickness

·         Take a long queue for a job

·         Job Seekers Allowance claims are very short

·         High tax income

Ø  What is the opinion of the government?

According to BBC (2013) they reported that “They include cuts to housing benefit for some social housing tenants with a spare room and changes to council tax.”

Ø  What changes/reforms have they made?

·         They have produced a council tax

·         They have introduced a working benefit claimant

·         They have cut welfare bills

·         Full housing benefits

Ø  How do they justify these?

As Smith (2013) stated in BBC  "What I'm trying to do... is to change the process so that we end up restructuring the culture so that people find that work always pays. It doesn't right now."


Bibliography –

Smith, D. (2013) Welfare system reforms are fair, says Iain Duncan Smith. Available at: (Accessed: 29 May 2013).

The Guardian (2013) Benefits in Britain: separating the facts from the fiction Available at: (Accessed: 29 May 2013).

Mjelwell (2008) The Welfare System in America [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 29 May 2013).


1 comment:

  1. You have answered all of the questions, and your work is well referenced. You could improve the presentation of your blog by making sure that you use the same font size for everything.

    Also, how is your picture related to Welfare?
