Monday, 25 February 2013

Wales National Assembly

There were many changes that were made on March 2011 by the powers of the Welsh Assembly after the referendum. Many people said, “Yes” to the referendum. After the national assembly a new law was created and called Assembly Bills rather than Assembly Measures. There are 20 competence areas in the national assembly. Negotiation is no longer needed between the UK and Welsh government. There are 5 new changes. Firstly, the green papers, when a new law is introduced the government uses a green paper. Secondly, the white papers, they are used to organize the future details of a policy in a specific subject. Thirdly, the draft bills, these are issued before they introduce them to the Welsh Assembly by the stakeholders and the public. Fourthly, further scrutiny can undergoes once the Bill is introduced in the Welsh Assembly. Lastly, once the Royal Assent is handed in the Bill covert to an Act of the Assembly. So, legislative competence orders wont be important. The UK parliament will allow the Welsh Assembly to make their own new laws subjects within the 20 developed areas. 

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