Thursday, 28 February 2013

Team Work


         A teamwork activity is better than individual activity. Working as a team means that you can have and share different ideas. There are several strengths with the group that I worked with. Firstly, we had lots of different ideas that supports our work, which is very useful. Secondly, we got to know each other more, in other words, it’s a good way to make new friends. Lastly, it’s a good way to communicate with your classmates. There are also some weaknesses that we figured out in the group. Firstly, we had some arguments about who had the right answer. Secondly, lots of different ideas confused us a lot. Lastly, when we did the team work everybody was shouting different answers, so I think next time we should write our answers in a piece of paper rather than shouting it out and disturbing other people from working. The most important thing when working in a team is to be kind and friendly, because if your not, you might end up with a fight with one of your team members. For example, Radi and Will fought because both of them thought that they have the right answer.  

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Monday, 25 February 2013

Wales National Assembly

There were many changes that were made on March 2011 by the powers of the Welsh Assembly after the referendum. Many people said, “Yes” to the referendum. After the national assembly a new law was created and called Assembly Bills rather than Assembly Measures. There are 20 competence areas in the national assembly. Negotiation is no longer needed between the UK and Welsh government. There are 5 new changes. Firstly, the green papers, when a new law is introduced the government uses a green paper. Secondly, the white papers, they are used to organize the future details of a policy in a specific subject. Thirdly, the draft bills, these are issued before they introduce them to the Welsh Assembly by the stakeholders and the public. Fourthly, further scrutiny can undergoes once the Bill is introduced in the Welsh Assembly. Lastly, once the Royal Assent is handed in the Bill covert to an Act of the Assembly. So, legislative competence orders wont be important. The UK parliament will allow the Welsh Assembly to make their own new laws subjects within the 20 developed areas. 

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Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Summary of A New Government

    On the 6th of May Britain had a new government. It is called the labor party. Tony Blair and Gordon Brown are the prime ministers. It was accomplished since 1997. The leader of the conservative is called David Cameron. The conservative labor prefers mostly the free market, privatization and low taxation. Therefore, that will designate a greater economic and social quality. The distance between both of these parties had decreased and became more balanced. In the general elections 36% of the votes went to the conservatives, 29% went to the labor, 23% went to the Lib Dems and the rest of the votes went to the smaller parties. There are 650 seats in the British parliament, 306 seats went to the conservatives, 258 went to the labor and 57 seats went to the Lib Dems. On The 11th of May the conservatives and the Lib Dems formed a coalition. There are 650 separate local elections and most of these elections the conservative or labor candidates win them. On the parliament the party that wins is only represented but the others they don’t represent them. Some of the British says that some of the electoral system is unfair. So they came to settle down for a compromise to an alternative vote system for the future general elections, which would be more appropriate than the current system. 

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Saturday, 2 February 2013

Advantages and Disadvantages of the European Union (EU)


    The European union (EU) was formed on the 1st of November 1993. The founder of the European union is Jean Mornet. There are 27 member states in the economic and political union that is the European union. The largest city in the European union is London. There are two leaders in the European union. Herman Van Rompuy (the president of the European council) and Jose Manuel Barroso (the president of the commission). There are 23 official languages in the European union.

    The European union has several advantages. Firstly, you will have a much louder voice. For example, on the world stage when you are co-operating a foreign policy it gives the European union countries a much louder voice than others. Secondly, there will be a greater protection for workers from exploitation by employers. Thirdly, the rural areas and development countries will have some money to fix their roads, houses and environment. The ‘European Structural Funds’ will carry this out. Lastly, the citizens will be free, they will move to any place within the European union to live, work, study and travel.
     There are also several disadvantages of the European union. Firstly, there will be some problems with the Euro because the currency changes from place to place within the European union countries. Secondly, there will be less democracy because bureaucracy is more. Thirdly, when the spending goes to the common agricultural policy it destroys the agricultural market because they place a low price on food, so this refers that there will be a higher price on consumers and it will also encourage the over supply.

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